Excel Expert page contents


Microsoft Excel is one of the Best application provided within Msoffice suite. Excel is very popular software among Corporate Sector. We have gained some really fantastic experience. Believe us it is very wonderful application and you will really enjoy using it. This blog is trying to convey some of its Excel's Dynamic Functions, Versatile Functionality, Flexibilities and some fun tricks. We shall also try to resolve your queries.

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New expectetion with 2011 Version in Excel.


Recently newer 2010 version of Ms-excel we release. but still I m expecting some more features with the New version of Excel. I wish to have some them on excel without any additional coding requirement so that any layman can use those features.

1. Summery Wizard: There should be a tool that can summarize the multiple sheet in to one Summery Sheet for example
I have a sheet which contains Purchase Orders in a Standard Format in which some fields are defined like PO No. Date, Vendor's Name, Total Amount, Taxes, Grand Total.
Now on summery sheet I want to have the summery and total of those purchase orders and if it put a remark on summery sheet it should be updated in the respective PO. like Date of Approval Remarks, Submission Date Etc.

2. One of most exiting feature of Excel it Pivot Table but still We are limited to summarize the Single sheet with this feature. The Newer version must contain the capacity to summarize the multiple sheet with same structure in the single Pivot Table.

3. Data Validation List with some conditions like (don't Include First Row, Don't Include Blank cells in the range, or Don't Include certain criteria matched Values from the cells in the range.

Validate only with Unique Items in a Range.

4. Paste Special: There are some Options available on the Right Click - Paste Special. Options that are provided as Radio Buttons must be converted into Check Boxes so that we must be able to make multiple selection. Like if we want to Paste values and Format simultaneously we can Check Values + Formats so that we can ignore to paste column width and Formulas etc.
5. Some Additional Formulas Like
> GetSheetName to Retrieve Sheet Name.
> NumberToWords to convert Numerical Values in Words for at-least thousand crore amount.
> GetCellProperties (FillColor, FontColor, Bold, Italic, Underline, Width and Height etc.
> A formula that can define the Criteria and Ranges that can be further used in Dsum, Dcount, sumif, and countif functions. because Criteria defination in a saperate space is quite tedious and limited affair and not flexible at all.
> Three Additional Formulas or any specific Portion in Excel that can define a Variable and set its Values.
DefVariable - to Define Variable of Certain Datatype.
SetVariableValue - to change the Variable Value
GetVariableValue - to retrieve Values of certain Variable
* above must be addition to the defining Name range.
> An Additional Function Split & Retrieve Nth Part of text: A Function that can Split apart a text using a delimiter and can retrieve Nth splited value in cell.

6. Linked Cells & Ranges: Excel should avail Mutually Linked Cells: Means Two or more cells should linked in such a way that if any one of Linked cell is changed Rest all linked cells should be updated automatically.

Same should be availed with Multiple Ranges / Arrays.

7. Mini Excel / Word: A New Compact Sheet / Doc should be introduced that can run like Calculator or Notepad with Limited Options available for quick Calculations and Notes. It should not much Space nor it should take Much time to Run and open & Save the files.

Above are not for very scientific usage but are used in very routine workings, If we can have them on excel working can be done more dynamically.