Excel Expert page contents


Microsoft Excel is one of the Best application provided within Msoffice suite. Excel is very popular software among Corporate Sector. We have gained some really fantastic experience. Believe us it is very wonderful application and you will really enjoy using it. This blog is trying to convey some of its Excel's Dynamic Functions, Versatile Functionality, Flexibilities and some fun tricks. We shall also try to resolve your queries.

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Insert the Name of WorkBook in the Cell.

This is very rarely required value in excel but Essencial. this can be used in the formulas to refer the exact location of any file.
Excel doesn't provide direct inbuild feature to retrive the filename in any cell. But it provids us a simple way to retrive it through comination of formulas.

Use the following formula:


Here we have used four function to achive our goal

1. sustitute: this function simply finds a part of text in the complete sentencd and replaces with another

In above example from "ABCD" the "A" will be replaced by "X", and the return value of the formula will be XBCD

2. Left: This simply return the leftmost Nth numbers from any text
=Left("ABCD",2) *here we instructed excel to retrive only 2 left characters from ABCD
Thus formula will return - AB

3. Find: this function will simply give the Nth position of the searched text from sentance
=Find("B","ABCD") this function will return the position of B from the left so the value will be 2, as B is on 2nd position from left.

4. Cell: This function retrives the information from Excel Application and return it to us.
there are several perameters provided to for different purposes. in our case we used it to retrive the Name of file.

this will return the Location + Name of File (Enclosed within Square Brackets) + SheetName

useing the find function we retrived the position of ]
from the Left to till the position ] we retrived the text using left function
and using substitute function we replaced [ as "" (2 double quotes continously denot the blank) from the returned value.

we can use this formula in any cell and we can have the name of file in the cell we enter the foumula